Ohio FGC Achievements
July 30, 2024
Last weekend I had the itch to build something. It's been a little while since I've added anything substantial to the site. So I decided to build out an achievements system. Two days from sun up to sun down over the weekend I was at my desk hammering out some code.
The days after were spent on debugging to try to make everything solid and the extraordinarily long process of running scripts to find out who unlocked what achievements.
The result is what you see here:
Let me explain:
If you go to a player's data page (here's me for example), you'll find a new section called "Achievements". Obviously, this is where the Achievements are. Players competing in tournaments/community events can earn achievements by accomplishing different things. Achievements are broken down into (usually 10) levels and each one you unlock grants you a number of points. The leaderboard above shows you who has the most points. It can be broken down by game.
There are a couple of different types of achievements:
- Game Specific Achievements - Achievements you can unlock on a per game basis.
- Global Achievements - Achievements that are mostly an accumulation of your game specific achievements, granting additional points.
- Special Achievements - Achievements that have to be granted specifically by me for extraordinary acts of service/contribution to the scene. These have no point value.
I'm hoping this gives people more of an incentive to go to tournaments and participate. At the very least, they're cool bragging rights. As far as I know nothing like this has been done in the FGC before.
It is important to note that I'm still messing with the point values and this feature is very much in beta. There are probably some bugs I haven't caught yet. When I get the chance I'll probably revamp the UI a bit more, but for now it'll do. If anyone has cool ideas for achievements, let me know.